Personal Advice

Access Note App from AFB Review
The Access Note App from the American Foundation for the blind provides an easy method for the vision impaired to record notes using an Apple I-Phone and other technology. The App is reasonably priced. Find out more…
All In Play Website Review
Vision loss promotes isolation from others. Finding ways to socialize on an equal playing field is not easy. The website, “All In Play” offers a solution to the problem. Discover the pros and cons of the website and find out if this site is a good way for the visually impaired to socialize.
Blind Accessible Audio Book Programs
A review of four programs offering books that can be accessed by the visually impaired and physically handicapped.
Choosing a White Cane Advantages and Disadvantages
How does a visually impaired person choose the correct white cane? What criteria are necessary for choosing the right cane? How much should you pay for a cane? I include information I obtained from trial and error from years of traveling with white canes plus identify my favorite type of cane.
Choosing a White Cane Helpful Tips
A list of tips to guide a vision impaired person through the process of purchasing the appropriate lifestyle white cane.
Finding Help and Support for the Visually Impaired
Locating accessible programs and organizations for the visually impaired can be a difficult task. Read information on websites offering help in your area.
Gifts for the Visually Impaired of All Ages!
Gift ideas for the visually impaired of all ages including board games, computer games, children's toys and puzzles.
Hermit Syndrome Overcome Isolation in Vision Loss
A vision issue is unique to the individual dealing with the challenge. Everyone must learn how to face and overcome the challenge of vision loss through their own unique process. Learn factors that can assist you in discovering your path to living with a vision issue.
How I Designed My Grocery Shopping Plan!
How does a visually impaired/blind person shop for groceries? Compare my formula to the process you follow for grocery shopping. You’ll discover some helpful techniques and organizational ideas.
How to Buy gifts for the Visually Impaired/Blind!
What’s the best method for purchasing a gift for a visually impaired/blind person? Buying a gift for the visually disabled sounds like an easy tasks but unforeseen obstacles prevent the purchase of certain types of gifts. Here’s help preventing the purchase of the wrong gift or a gift returned!
How to handle a sidewalk encounter with the blind
You step off the bus, turn to head down the sidewalk when you notice a blind person approaching using a white cane. What should you do next? Do you know what technique a blind person uses to travel along a sidewalk? What is the one thing you can do that offers the most help to the blind person?
How to Make Public Dining Enjoyable for the Blind
A blind co-worker invites you to lunch, what should you expect. Do you know how to guide a blind person? Do you help a blind person place an order? How does a blind person handle a dining situation? Do you know how to interact with a blind person during a meal? Are you expected to help? If so, how?
How to Offer Help to a Blind Person
You exit a store, turn to walk down the sidewalk, look up and see a blind person with a white cane approaching, What should you do? Do you offer help or walk silently pass the person? You are in the grocery store and see a blind person alone, Should you offer assistance or not? You should…
How To Purchase Low Vision Cooking Products
Purchasing products for the visually impaired is a difficult task. Buying low-vision products that actually help a visually impaired cook takes research, trial and error, investigation, time, and effort. Learn some tips and techniques to help make the process easier.
Intersection Safety Visually Impaired Pedestrians
Crossing a street at a busy intersection is a challenge for the sighted and a gigantic task for the visually disabled. Learn safety tips and techniques obtained from years of crossing busy intersections.
JAWS Certification Program
How much do you know about JAWS? Take the certification and find out. Here’s some information about the exam from Freedom Scientific.
LS&S Sport Talking Watch Review
Learning sight and Sound offers a great talking watch for a reasonable price. I purchased the watch – here’s the review of the product.
NFB Men’s Talking Watch Review
I purchased a talking watch online. Is this the talking watch for you? In addition, find out if I got what I wanted or sent it back!
NFB Telescoping White Cane Review
I use the NFB Telescoping White Cane on a daily basis. Find out why it’s the best cane for my lifestyle.
Ordering Assistive technology Online
Ordering technology online is a gamble – learn some helpful recommendations for ordering the right technology/equipment for you.
Pen Friend review
The Pen friend – a remarkable labeling/recording device accessible to the visually impaired. If you are looking for a great way to organize your kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets or written documents then read more about the Pen Friend!
Script Talk by Envision America review
An easy program for medication management for the vision impaired. Do you take several medications and need a method of organizing the medicines? Script Talk could be the solution! Read more…
Sony Digital Recorder Review
A review of my experience learning to use a Sony Digital Recorder. How difficult was it for a blind person to use the recorder?
Understanding a Visionless Conversation
Conversation without vision sounds simple, right. Try one of the exercises in this article and find out. In addition, what I’ve learned about listening and communicating after twelve years of living with vision loss.
Understanding Importance of Simple tasks
A feeling of helplessness and loss of self-worth overwhelm someone with vision loss. Completing daily tasks can help – find out how! In addition, take the challenge in the article for an interesting experience.
Vision Aware Website Review
Read about a website that does a great job of providing a comprehensive overview of all topics dealing with vision loss.
Vision Damage from UV UVA and UVB Radiation
What types of vision damage can UV, UVA and UVB radiation from the sun cause? Who is most affected by radiation from the Sun? Learn how to prevent vision damage from the Sun.
Vision Issues Travel and Transportation
Loss of vision means a loss of mobility especially for individuals who can no longer drive. Transportation and travel is a major issue for the visually impaired. Discover some of the different programs that provide transportation and travel for the visually impaired.
Vision Screenings Online Using the Computer
Screening your vision has become an easy task, especially with the development of the computer and the Internet. What screenings are available on the computer? When was the last time you had your vision screened? Is it time for you to have a vision screening? Try an online vision screening!
Vision Support for Rural/Isolated Communities
Do you know anyone who has overcome vision issues while living in a rural/isolated area? Help the readers and visitors by contributing your story in the Vision Issues forum. Discover how you can help by reading this article.
Visually Impaired/Blind Audio Newspapers
Audio Newspapers and magazines read via the telephone, a service provided by the National federation of the Blind (NFB). The service is provided for the visually impaired/blind and physically handicapped. Get the service by…
Voting Experience Visually Impaired Blind Person
Privacy is the main issue when voting as a visually impaired/blind person. Every person who considers voting a privilege and civic duty is entitled to complete the voting process in a private manner. Read about my voting experience as a blind person.
What happens at a training center for the blind?
When you have lost your vision, leaving the safety of home and going to a strange place is scary. This article discusses the curriculum, philosophy and admission requirements for a training center for the blind in Louisiana. A great place to find help!
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