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Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Frugal Living Site! These are the top ten articles that your Frugal Living Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy! 1. Avoid False Thrift - Know When to Spend More Sometimes you need to be conscious about spending more to save money. Here are a few basic concepts to get you thinking. 2. New Uses for Old Clothes What can you do with old clothes that are not good enough to donate? 3. Buy a Used Car Cheap If you need to buy a car, think used. Learn where to look for used cars and how to pick the best one for your budget. 4. Buy a Used Bike and Trailer for Errands Save a ton of gas money (and wear on your car) buying a used bicycle and child trailer set up for local shopping and errand running. Here are my tips and experiences for buying the whole rig under $100. 5. How to Live in Cars - Book Review Curious about the extraordinary savings you can set aside if you live in your car and forsake paying rent, utilities and mortgages completely? This ebook has every detail covered. It's an amazing look at extreme frugality. 6. Solar iPhone and USB Charger - Review The Solar ReStore solar panel and battery pack is a GREAT unit to get anyone started powering small USB electronics with the free power of the sun. 7. Foraging for Wild Foods - Basics Foraging for food and supplies is something everyone can do. And it's fun! There are a ton of natural materials and plants just out there, free for the taking. This article introduces a few easy to find food items you might well be tripping over. 8. Wild Food Foraging in Urban Areas Chill out with a refreshing beverage foraged from your backyard and neighborhood, and scavenge free salads and spices for your dinner. Here are a few things you can easily find, for example, in the city of Los Angeles. 9. Eliminate your Trash Bill You can reduce the amount of trash your household generates and eliminate an entire monthly utility bill. Here's how. 10. How to Find Free Books from Kindle How to find thousands - even millions - of free books to read on your Kindle, computer or smartphone, and what categories of books you can find. Refresh yourself on the classics! Be your own library! Be sure to visit the Frugal Living Archives for all the articles! |
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